2 Quick Ideas from the 7 day Fat loss

Top Tips For Keeping Blood Sugar Levels Balanced:

  • Eat every three hours: This doesn’t mean you need to sit down and eat a big meal every three hours. Having three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with two or three snacks in be- tween works great; this not only keeps blood sugars balanced but food can be very metabolic (you burn calories digesting meals), so eating regularly could also potentially speed up your metabolism.

  • Avoid processed food: Processed food actually has two major negative acts on your body. Firstly, most processed foods have removed a lot of the ingredients and nutrients from the original source and replaced it with sugar (for preservation and taste) or removed the ingredients that worked to ‘bu er’ i.e. slow down its energy release. This means blood sugar levels dramatically rise with consumption of this type of food.

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